Best characteristic to gain the respect of your coworkers

Humility, is the key of an effective leader.
Leaders who are humble are more likely to earn the respect and loyalty of their team members, and this is where we aim: gain respect and loyalty of our co-workers.
This incredible characteristic fosters a willingness to learn from others, even those in less prominent positions. This openness to new ideas and experiences accelerates your personal and professional growth.
Humble individuals are often better team players because they value collaboration and are not focused solely on self-promotion.
Building humility is a valuable personal and professional development goal, and since we are here to improve our leadership skills, here below you’ll find five simple steps to start building or improving it.
1. Practice active listening when interacting with others. Truly hearing and considering their perspectives, even if they differ from your own, will help to enlarge your view and get a new perspective.
2. Take time to recognize that there is always something to learn and that others may have valuable knowledge and experiences to share, and you won’t let a new learning opportunity sleep away from your hands.
3. Be open to constructive criticism and use it to refine your skills and behavior.
Let’s focus a little on this topic even though we are going to discuss it in details in the next chapters.
When we talk about “constructive criticism” we mean a critic that is made to improve your personal growth.
Many times, we find ourself in front of “unnecessary and destroying criticism” that is made on purpose with the intention to hurt your feelings. We will learn how to handle this kind of criticism that is very often present in the working places, but for now you just need to know that no energies have to be spent to care, think and be hurt by criticism made with the intent of disrupt an individual.
4. Learn to celebrate other’s achievements instead of feeling threatened by their success.
RECOGNIZE OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS DON’T DIMINISH YOUR POTENTIONAL, on the contrary, it will improve your relationship with your coworkers.
5. Be open to new ideas and different perspectives. Sometimes we tent to stay attached to our opinions having the tendency to forget how important is to practice active listening and give importance to other’s ideas.
Remember that building humility is an ongoing process, and it’s normal to have moments of self-doubt and pride. The key is to continually work on these practices to cultivate a more humble and open approach to life and work.
Humility can truly help you excel in your career by facilitating learning, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, and networking.
It’s an essential quality for long-term success and personal development.
And since we want to excel in our careers, it’s a characteristic we must have.